The Guest Writer Session of February 23, will feature Glorious Amalu-Jack, Michal Musialowski, and Bayo Ojo. An initiative of the Abuja Writers Forum (AWF), it holds at the Aso Hall of Nanet Suites, Ekiti House, from 4-7pm and is open to the public. Bayo Ojo Michal Musialowski is a poet, activist, and humanist born in Poland, who is currently researching contemporary Nigerian poetry at Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University in Lapai under the mentorship and guidance of Prof. Sule Emmanuel Egya, also known as E. E. Sule, and the Nigerian poet, writer, and editor, Paul Liam. A lecturer at Leibniz University in Hannover, Germany, Musialowski’s current interest is Nigerian literature, with particular focus on poetry and art as a tool of resistance, understanding, and effective political action. He is actively involved in fostering transcultural and transcontinental dialogue, mutual exchange of experiences, and inter-human reflection on our common global citizenship and human...